FlamingRose is Back... In The Form of FlamingViolet!
((Yes, yes, you may have seen my old blog, but probably not. Anyway, here's the story.))
Being a 6th grader, I should expect guys getting crushes on me.
Get this:
Today at my locker, I laid down my backpack by my locker. What do I see stuck to the back? A little thing that reads:
*picture of a bee* Mine?
Valentine's Day 2005
I look at this and think, Great. Okay. Mom put this little thingy on my backpack. That's cute.
I go through the day without giving it a think.
After school, I say, "Thanks for the little Valentine, Mom. Where'd you get it?"
Mom replies, "I dunno."
A minute passes.
She finally says, "Maybe I didn't put it there."
"Maybe I found it in your books last night and put it on your backpack."
I've only been at this school for two weeks. Nobody could possibly have a crush on me already.
Maybe it's something one of the girls did. Like a secret valentine handout.
That would be cute. The chance of that is about 49% in my eyes.
Is it a gag?
Only time will tell.